About Us

Unlimited Shrinkwrap is the Midwest’s premier mobile provider of residential, commercial, and industrial shrink wrap services. Whether you’re placing your boat into winter storage or shipping military hardware across the country, our professional-grade shrink wrap is the most reliable way to shield it from the elements.

We’re proud to have grown from a local company shrink wrapping boats, furniture, and small items in McHenry, IL, into Chicagoland’s leading contractor for professional-grade shrink wrap installation. Here’s a bit more about who we are, how we got here, and what we do.

From Local Startup to Regional Leader

Rodney Schuh founded Unlimited Shrinkwrap in McHenry, IL in 2004 to expand the services the Schuh family provides the Chicago area with their other companies, Seawalls Unlimited and Captain Rod’s Boat Lift & Pier Services. His daughter Brittney took over operations in 2015.

Unlimited Shrinkwrap started out shrink wrapping boats for winter storage and transport, but we now shrink wrap everything from airplane components to construction sites.

We’ve grown into the top mobile company in the region, capable of performing shrink wrap operations on-site in both indoor and outdoor environments, all in a matter of hours. That means you don’t have to go through the trouble of figuring out how to haul your furniture or your industrial machinery to our facility—we’ll come right to you.

As a result, we now routinely install protective shrink wrap for marinas, individuals, global private companies, and even the U.S. government. Our expansive portfolio includes everything from classic cars and speedboats to power plant machinery and oil pipeline segments. No task is too difficult and no project is too large for Unlimited Shrinkwrap.

Despite this drastic growth and no matter the scope of the project, we always deliver the same high-quality work that our customers always expect. We don’t cut any corners, and our customer testimonials speak for themselves. We get those contracts not because we’re the lowest bidder, but because we have a proven track-record of dependability, professionalism, and customer support.

Unlimited Shrinkwrap is an experienced team of energetic and dependable professionals who love what we do and who get excited about each and every project. Each one gives us a chance to wrap things that may have never been shrink wrapped before, and a new opportunity to succeed. Whether we’re wrapping industrial machinery for a power plant or furniture for your next move, we put that same care and attention into each and every project.

Take some time to look through our projects, and you’ll see the consistent level of workmanship we bring to the many interesting projects that we have been fortunate to do. You’ll see us shrink wrapping objects of all different sizes and dimensions—maybe even something similar to whatever it is that you’re considering getting shrink wrapped.

